I am having an issue trying to stop the packaged build of my game from launching in VR for anyone who has a headset. I have disabled all options for VR opening when the game does but it will still open automatically with the game. I do not want to disable the plugins for VR as I do want it to be an option to those who have a headset.
I have seen people say to add the -nohmd to the command line but am unsure what this means as I only use blueprints. Should I just run this command as soon as the game is opened using the run console command node? Creating a shortcut with -nohmd at the end does seem to work but quite often the path seems to be broken for other people when trying to use the shortcut on other computers.
Also is there a way to have two seperate launchers for VR and non VR or a way to toggle while in game?
Any help with this would be appreciated