Is it possible to block a sphere trace visibility With a Wall? I’ve used a wall and a cube and put the sphere trace on the other side of the wall but it still detects the Cube, see the screenshot.
Was this supposed to happen? If so, can anyone point me to a direction to where or what to search so I can block an explosion impulse with a radius using meshes?
Radial force ignores walls or other meshes and are applied to the targets. Sphere traces seems to detect everything inside that sphere if the Start Vector and End are the same, which makes it a sphere…
In case anyone stumble across this. I’ve decided to use a sphere trace to simulate explosions radius and then get all colliding actors and do a Line trace to the center of the explosion. If something blocks it, the explosion doesn’t do damage, but if it doesn’t, I do an ApplyDamage, to simulate an spherical falloff to affected actors easily (Can also use a custom DamageType)
One LineTrace may not be enough, so I’ve tried using another sphere trace from the Character’s capsule component and a 3 Line traces, one from the feet, another from the middle and another from the head of the character, and then calculating the applied damage based on all the hits.
If anyone has other ideas and solutions, feel free to share!