Getting a little annoyed at the performance hit from a navigation rebuild every time I tweak my landscape. I can’t seem to stop the navmesh from rebuilding constantly. How do I do this?
Hi Skuvnar,
To do this, go to Edit > Editor Preferences > Miscellaneous and disable ‘Update Navigation Automatically’.
Perfect, cheers mate.
There are two “miscellaneous” sections. You want the one under Level Editor.
Could this be a bug in latest version?
when i launch my project, i have the option already unchecked, but it keeps on building navigation automatically.
when i then go to settings and check and uncheck the box once, it stops building automatically, but only for this editor session.
next time i open project it does this again and so on.
Hi endbored,
I just tested this in 4.14.1 but I couldn’t reproduce the issue you described. When I reopen the project the navmesh is still unbuilt unless I build it manually.
Are you also seeing this in a new project or is it only confined to your project?
it’s happening on my side as well. It’s rebuilding everything it restarts. I believe it’s confined only in our project in my case
I also want to add to this, our Nav Meshes, as of 4.14.1 are automatically rebuilding even if we set them to not rebuild automatically.
If we create a new map and apply a large nav mesh with some static meshes breaking it up, it will STILL rebuild the nav mesh when you load the level.
This causes our developers to have to click cancel on saving many levels because it thinks they were modified because the nav mesh is rebuilding without our input across the levels. The aggregate amount of time lost to having all our devs clicking cancel on many levels multiple times per day is substantial.
Hey Quackenbush,
This seems to be contained to ongoing projects, that’s whey we haven’t been able to get a repro. However; I think this was found internally and was very recently fixed. Could you try the 4.15 Preview 3 and see if the issue is fixed for you there?
I see you also have a UDN account. The CL for that fix is 3250282.
Let me know if that fixes the issue for you.
Hey TJ,
Thanks for the response and it is good to hear that a resolution may have been found.
We will test as soon as possible.
-Nick Quackenbush
Yes it happens to me too, I use 4.14 still and can’t comment on 4.15 but I can confirm that this annoying bug exists. I reported that some months ago but was told that “we can not reproduce it”
I just encountered this in 4.17.1. Should I create another bug report?
Hi Markus,
Yes please. Even though the bug maybe similar, the cause could be different since this exact issue was fixed back in 4.15. Just create a new report in the Bug section and reference this post. Also include repro steps and a test project if it’s required to reproduce the bug.
I tried this in an empty project, 4.17, and sure enough the toggle works as intended.
Perhaps it is a per project thing. Since our project has been migrated from 4.6 onward to 4.17, it is possible that some things may have failed to update properly, which may include the Navmesh bounds and modifier volumes playing nice with Landscape editing.
We had to delete the Navmesh bounds volume in our original level as the shortest solution. Apart from that, the painting and sculpting works fine now, albeit with a much reduced delay when you release the mouse instead of the 2 second one. I tend to blame the AMD RX 480 for this issue, but I am not quite sure.
I will continue testing further and create a new issue when I can reproduce it more than two times.
UPDATE: I replaced the deleted Navmesh bounds volume with a new one, let the navigation build normally and now I can sculpt on the landscape without having it rebuild continuously. I think this problem has been solved for us.
You can suggest this as a solution to the people migrating their levels between versions. I think it will save them a lot of time with this simple trick. Of course, if they have loads of carefully placed Navmesh volumes, it will take some time, but this is much better than waiting a few seconds (or minutes) every time you paint or sculpt.
It do not work! when i open the map ,it still rebuild nav every every time. the version 4.17
This bug seems to be fixed in 4.15 but is now back in 4.17
Any new bug tracker on this or workaround?
Problem still existed, 4.18.2
I get this from time to time as well on 4.20.3
dam it, its in the editor preferences why does it reset from project to project
Useful to know even in 2023!