I am in the middle of making a game about various types of business. I have setup real estate, product markets, and even farming. The one thing that has me stuck is creating a user interface that is able to reflect the stock market. I am creating a section of the game that will have a stock market and can be influenced by the player. The most basic thing I can not seem to accomplish (not very easily) is the creation of a UI that will reflect real time data from the game onto the graphs of individual stocks. I have not even begun to make it since I am unable to find an efficient way to implement this feature. Any help would be appreciated.
Since no question was stated I will now present one. Is there a method to creating a graph in the widget blueprints that can be updated by some sort of interval?
Hey there @YzXupoo! Welcome to the community! This use case definitely seems like it’s going to require a (mostly) custom implementation of a UI element. I’d personally begin with a bit of research into how other’s that have worked with the engine have produced real time graphs, thankfully there are a couple (Much older but likely still relevant) implementations like Graph Plotter (as mentioned in the thread below) that can be driven with data as it occurs, though you may need to rework it a bit to be for runtime/packaged builds.
That said, working from native UE without adding too much custom, I’d likely be looking at how the engine handles Scollable UI, and try to embed a series of DrawLine renders into them.
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Thank you so much for the references. I will attempt to create a bunch of drawline functions and see how it handles. My hypothesis is that it will be demanding but I think I will just reserve the drawline functions to only one per viewable asset. With the world market running in the background. If I am still able to post here, I will state my results. I appreciate the help.