How can I create a graph similiar to the “Stat UnitGraph” console command?

How can I create a graph similiar to the “Stat UnitGraph” console command, to display values at runtime?

I’ve made something similar in the past with Javascript but I really have no idea about where to start in Unreal.
Should I draw segments between consecutive values and scroll the graph horizontally?

I found this which can be interesting: Mini-Graph - God HUD in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace

Alternatively you can learn C++ and implement your own custom solutions, as there is nothing related to graphs in the engine to display to the end user. You can basically view the UnitGraph code and create something yourself.

If you prefer to use shaders, you can probably use the plot graphs nodes there, but that is only a good solution if it is a limit data set and you enjoy writing shader code.

Edit: I found this which looks pretty: Radar Chart Widget in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace

Thanks, this could actually be a good solution!

I tried to look in the source code but I didn’t find it, I think I’ll give it a second shot!

I’ve had this in my wishlist for like two years, I’ve also spoken with the creator and he told me how to draw lines in widgets but it’s kinda complicated to do it in slate.

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I ended up using GraphPlotter debug module for UE4, it’s free and it was enough for my needs:

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