Stereo camera rig


I would like to use RealityCapture for processing images obtained using a stereo camera rig (a system that shoot 2 images at a same time). I know the calibration of the 2 cameras (focal, distortion) and the position of the second camera according to the first one (rotation, translation).

How can i configure RealityCapture to process this kind of data ?

Thanks a lot.

Hi @jseinturier-utln ,
this is still a feature request.
It should be doable using XMPs. Unfortunately, we don’t have an example of this exact process, but you can find more about XMPs in the application’s help.

Could we get the example, I’m happy to do via command line scripting. We have cam positions and intrinsic data? For example for each camera we have a folder of images we need to pass. Each camera is aligned in parallel and synchronized capture.