Stencil Layers lighting and proper blending

Hi, I never successfully made any render using Movie Render Queue with the use of Stencil Layers that would be free of issues. Although I followed many tutorials and guides I always ended up having some issues with the dark/bright edges around different Stencil Layers or some major inconsistencies in lighting.
What in offline renderers is just one click away, is impossible for me to obtain in UE5 no matter how many loops I jumped.

This time, using UE 5.4 I decided to ask for help, maybe I’m missing something terribly, but does anyone have an idea why lighting looks different on stencil layers than on the beauty pass?

Beuty pass - this is a regular render and how it should look after composition

Some areas of the cylinder are too bright in comparison to the regular render

The base geometry is too bright around the edges where the cylinder is cut off. There is no such brightening in the regular render - beauty pass

I believe I have everything set up correctly both in the Project settings and Render settings.
