Hello Everyone!
I’ve got recently an Oculus Rift CV1 and I tried to create a simple VR scene in UE4.
Unfortunatly, my performance were really bad. I was using Oculus Home Beta Dash 2.0, and it it known to cause performance issue with SteamVr. So I went back to the Classic Version.
I also tried to disable all the SteamVr Componentn both in steam and Unreal Engine. But then, then demo map “Motion controller” were not working anymore due to SteamVr missing component (among others : Steam Chaperone Missing).
The headset was working perfectly fine in the scene but the hands weren’t appearing/existing.
I’ve enabled back the SteamVr plugin in UE4 and this fixed the issue (hands came back, no more errors compiling script) but te scene was really slow again (~20fps).
Is there a way to fix this without removing completly SteamVR, or how can I remove completly SteamVr without breaking the blueprints? Or maybe is there some fundamental settings to configure before launching the scene with the Oculus ?
My computer specs :
- Gtx 970
- I7-4790K - 4.0 GHz
- 16 Go RAM
- Windows 10 64 bits
- Oculus Rift Beta (Dash 2.0)
- Latest Nvidia Drivers
- Unreal Engine 4.18.2