SteamVR input plugin with custom skeletal mesh

I’m can’t figure out how to use the curl values from SteamVR input plugin to curve the corresponding fingers of a custom hand skeletal mesh.
I already have a bunch of poses and want to set up an animation blueprint working with Valve index and Oculus touch.

Any advice here ? Retarget manager doesn’t work for me even if I have the (almost) same skeleton as the SteamVR hand.

Some update here : I managed to get 5-fingers tracking working on my custom skeletal mesh.
However for some reason the Pawn BP can’t get acces to the Anim Blueprint of the mesh.

Casting to another Anim BP (set with another skeletal mesh) works fine.

Well following this tutorial : 06 SteamVR Input Plugin: Hand Animations with ROBORECALL & MOONDUST assets - YouTube The whole thing works fine.
Previous issue (casting to anim BP has been solved by switching to another skeletal mesh/animBP then putting the right one again. No idea why this changes something BUT it works now.

What about the other way around (i.e. retrieve the considered curl values directly in your Anim BP Event Graph, casting ‘Get Owning component’—>‘Get Owner’ to your CaptainPawn BP). I have the same kind of hand skeletal mesh, and that’s how I retrieve my finger curls. More generally, I would suggest it’s more reasonable to update the values which are meant to be used in an Anim BP, directly into the ‘Event Blueprint Update Animation’ event of the Anim BP, and not from the tick() loop of the corresponding BP. It’s kind of an ‘on demand’ versus ‘proactive’ tradeoff.

Trying to get the value from anim BP always returns a failed cast when using “Try to get pawn owner” and “get player pawn”. Using “Get owner component” then “get owner” works though, but it’s not really obvious to use…

With a picture, if it helps

Yes that’s what I’ve done, and it works. But I guess “Try to get pawn owner” default node should work, that would be easier to setup than this.

In my case the skeletal mesh is in the pawn blueprint, but the node doesn’t work either.

In my case ‘GraspingHand’ is not a pawn nor a character so ‘Try to get pawn owner’ wouldn’t make sense, I guess.