SteamVR 1.0: Vive Tracker reconnecting causes incorrect MotionSource mapping

Using multiple (in my case 4) Vive Trackers. Each one is mapped on a MotionControllerComponent as MotionSource Special_1-4.

If one of the trackers gets disconnected during gameplay and then reconnected, it is assigned as a different Special_N motion source, overwriting the original Special_N.

Relevant code and discussion:
The following code assigns input source number based on the number of already mapped trackers.
If I have four mapped devices, Special_1-4 and the first one gets disconnected, I am left with three mapped devices: Special_2-4. If the disconnected device (previously Special_1) gets reconnected, it is assigned as NumMappedDevices+1, i.e. Special_4, overwriting the previously assigned Special_4 in the process.

Console output:

LogSteamVRController: Tracker device 1 is being assigned unreal hand: Special 1, for player 0
LogSteamVRController: Tracker device 2 is being assigned unreal hand: Special 2, for player 0
LogSteamVRController: Tracker device 3 is being assigned unreal hand: Special 3, for player 0
LogSteamVRController: Tracker device 4 is being assigned unreal hand: Special 4, for player 0
LogSteamVRController: Tracker device 1 is being assigned unreal hand: Special 4, for player 0

Code: SteamVRController::RegisterTracker() SteamVRController.cpp, line 1017.

bool RegisterTracker(uint32 DeviceIndex)
		// check to see if there are any Special designations left, skip mapping it if there are not
		if (NumTrackersMapped >= MaxSpecialDesignations)
			// go ahead and increment, so we can display a little more info in the log
			UE_LOG(LogSteamVRController, Warning, TEXT("Unable to map VR tracker (#%i) to Special hand designation!"), NumTrackersMapped);
			return false;

		// add the tracker to player 0
		DeviceToControllerMap[DeviceIndex] = GENERIC_TRACKER_PLAYER_NUM;

		// select next special #
		switch (NumTrackersMapped)
		case 0:
			ControllerStates[DeviceIndex].Hand = EControllerHand::Special_1;
		case 1:
			ControllerStates[DeviceIndex].Hand = EControllerHand::Special_2;
		case 2:
			ControllerStates[DeviceIndex].Hand = EControllerHand::Special_3;
		case 3:
			ControllerStates[DeviceIndex].Hand = EControllerHand::Special_4;
		case 4:
			ControllerStates[DeviceIndex].Hand = EControllerHand::Special_5;
		case 5:
			ControllerStates[DeviceIndex].Hand = EControllerHand::Special_6;
		case 6:
			ControllerStates[DeviceIndex].Hand = EControllerHand::Special_7;
		case 7:
			ControllerStates[DeviceIndex].Hand = EControllerHand::Special_8;
		case 8:
			ControllerStates[DeviceIndex].Hand = EControllerHand::Special_9;
		case 9:
			ControllerStates[DeviceIndex].Hand = EControllerHand::Special_10;
		case 10:
			ControllerStates[DeviceIndex].Hand = EControllerHand::Special_11;
			// initial mapping verification above should catch any erroneous NumTrackersMapped

		UE_LOG(LogSteamVRController, Log, TEXT("Tracker device %i is being assigned unreal hand: Special %i, for player %i"), DeviceIndex, NumTrackersMapped, GENERIC_TRACKER_PLAYER_NUM);

		SetUnrealControllerIdToControllerIndex(DeviceToControllerMap[DeviceIndex], ControllerStates[DeviceIndex].Hand, DeviceIndex);

		return true;