Hello everyone,
I have a problem with the Steam API when I try to find a leaderboard.
Looks like SteamUserStats() is not returning what it is meant to.
This is what I am doing:
1 - At the begining:
CSteamLeaderboards* g_SteamLeaderboards = NULL; // Global variable
// Initialize Steam
bool bRet = SteamAPI_Init();
// Create the SteamLeaderboards object if Steam was successfully initialized
if (bRet)
g_SteamLeaderboards = new CSteamLeaderboards();
2 - Run SteamAPI_RunCallbacks() every tick.
3 - When I try to find the leaderboard:
if (g_SteamLeaderboards)
4 - My CSteamLeaderboard.cpp (exactly the same as Spacewar example):
CSteamLeaderboards::CSteamLeaderboards() : m_CurrentLeaderboard(NULL), m_nLeaderboardEntries(0)
void CSteamLeaderboards::FindLeaderboard(const char *pchLeaderboardName)
m_CurrentLeaderboard = NULL;
SteamAPICall_t hSteamAPICall = SteamUserStats()->FindLeaderboard(pchLeaderboardName); // <---- THE ERROR POINTS TO THIS LINE
m_callResultFindLeaderboard.Set(hSteamAPICall, this, &CSteamLeaderboards::OnFindLeaderboard);
This is the crash log I get:
Unknown exception - code c06d007f (first/second chance not available)
UE4Editor_EliosisHunt!__delayLoadHelper2() [f:\dd\vctools\delayimp\delayhlp.cpp:386]
UE4Editor_EliosisHunt!CSteamAPIContext::Init() [c:\program files\epic games\4.11\engine\source\thirdparty\steamworks\steamv137\sdk\public\steam\steam_api_internal.h:92]
UE4Editor_EliosisHunt!CSteamLeaderboards::FindLeaderboard() [c:\unreal files\eliosishuntworkspace\eliosishunt\source\eliosishunt\private\csteamleaderboards.cpp:19
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.