So Epic finally released a VR Template with the UE4.13 Preview today. That is excellent news. I encourage everybody to try it.
Does it means that this SteamVR Template is irrelevant from now? Not a minute.
There’s what I will do: I will dissect and test every function of this official template and propose an hybrid/enriched template. Does it mean the plugin will be irrelevant? Don’t think so, especially for network/replication function. I encourage Josh (@) to do the same with his plugin and character/against the .13 template and adjust/delete/modify his plugin in ways to enrich the new Epic VR Template.
So what I’ll do is answer every question from the last few days and fix the last bugs, post a last 1.12.1 version in the following days.
Then, next version 2.0 will be an enriched template based on the UE4.13 official VR Template and we’ll go from there, since it represents a generic VR template and not a Vive/Rift optimized one.
Finally, one last bit of advice. I just tried the NVIDIA Multi-res version on an experience that barely made 50 fps. Spectacularly jumped to solid 90 fps. A must for fancy scenes!
I don’t think the epic VR template is going to have any relevant changes for my plugin, I’ve already looked over the VR modifications for 4.13 yesterday.
I noticed where my bug come from but I don’t know how to solve it maybe you should know. When I create a new level with your VR basics I can’t build light but if I create a new level by default I can. I already spend two days to recreate my map in this new level what can I change because I don’t want to recreate everything in a new level…
EDIT: I found the solution (had to be when I was desesperate and already post the question). Go to world settings/lightmass/lightmaps/force no precomputed lighting and be sure it’s unchecked !
@Diem Yep I should have think of that. Force no precomputed lighting is sometimes useful, but turning it on will prevent static lighting from building. My recommendation of rebuilding the Lightmass in VS was when you have the message “Swarm agent cannot start”.
Been watching the template and trying a few different versions over the months and a lot of solid work has been and I’m sure its great for most but it’s running pretty broken for me and not sure whats going on so hopefully there is some insight?
The hands are flipped to what the controller IDs are - The “ultraman” button scales me up but pushing the button again will repeat the scaling process instead of perhaps going back down to normal size and I have to restart it to go back to a playable level - The sequencer button does nothing (not teleporting to the platform) - I can’t seem to locate any handle to start the vehicle in its play mode but the grab functions seem to be working mostly
But when I press facebutton3, nothing happens.
And the strange thing is, if I press on the South East or South West face of either controller trackpads, it’s as if both controller buttons are being pressed.
@Talismansa If it works for the other directions what I could think is does it interfere with another FaceButton3 command? If you have this button mapped elsewhere like in another BP it’s possible that this BP would supercede what you find there. Did you tried each button with a print string? @UTitanXSI Are you using the right UE4 version? I’ve thoroughly tested it with every pawns and it works well. The only glitch in the last version is the teleport on surfaces where a node was missing allowing you to teleport on walls. However I’ll change it for teleport on navigation mesh since it’s easier to manage that way.
I’ve played a lot with the Epic template and it brings interesting and simple solutions. However it is quite limited. I’m in the process of having an hybrid template that will work for 4.12 and 4.13 for both rift and vive, and where multiplayer will be fully integrated (but only for 4.13 because of 3D widgets).
Iam testing the new unreal engine 4.13 VR template. Maybe its a noob question but Iam still new to VR. But isnt it possible to teleport on objects in the 4.13 VR template? Maybe I didnt see the option to activate it but when I teleport my pawn just spawns in or next to the object but not on the object.
Thanks for your help.
Hi! Thank you SO MUCH for offering this template! It’s incredibly valuable.
I’m sorry I have a noob question though… what are those numbers that appear in the top-right area? I’ve been looking through your notes, and scavenging all the blueprints and can’t figure out what those are and how to get rid of them. Everything else I’m managing to work through, it’s just that one thing. Thank you for any help anyone can offer!
I’m using your template for the teleport function only, and I can’t find a way to avoid ending up on things and the walls, which ends up usually with me at the ceiling.
I’ve tried disabling collision on all objects which works great for furniture but I can’t avoid the walls. I’ve tried playing around with the “uneven surfaces” option but it has no impact. Besides, I’ve added the Navmesh but I’m not sure how to make the pawn recognize it.
I’m trying to get a basic multiplayer session going using the included networking menu… it seems to work in editor, but when I package the game and try to host I see a “Session Create Failure!” error, but no additional info. Anyone else run into this?
@Proteus I’m currently trying to get the screenpercentage to 200, while this is working in previewing in editor, it refuses to go above 100 when I package the project.
Does this have anything to do with the initial settings in your vive_map level blueprint? More specifically the scalability function graph?
Because I can’t find any way to migrate that onto my map (which has already been completed).
In scalability settings in the level bp, the initial screenpercentage setting does not clash with any other setting.
However, I notice from day 0 (even with an empty level) that setting the sp in the pp volume gives bad results in VR, at least with the Vive (like the one you put in the other thread). So don’t set the Screen Percentage in the pp volume.
As for packaging that’s strange. I should do some tests to see if it’s due to the template or something else. @Komponent perhaps the simplest way is to remove the things you don’t need in Vive_Pawn_Simple and migrate it in another project. Or you can only copy and paste/create variables from the UltraMan function. @Abastante yeah there was a bug on teleporting on walls. I fixed it in the next version. @showpixel. I nearly completed a “4.12 hybrid” version. Probably the last version compatible with 4.12, because unless 4.13 is definitive (which should happen in a few weeks?) it’s always advised to not migrate official projects on preview versions but 4.13 has nice improvements. So features of the next version will have:
Fixed teleportation: now teleporting only on navmesh w/without safety net angle.
Auto-room scale mesh and orientation as found in 4.13 template
Oculus integration through HMD trace teleportation
The only difference with 4.13 VR template is the new “Predict Project Path” function that trace a nice arc to the teleport location, and the VR-enabled 3D widgets, which will permit multiplayer mode. However I still consider plugin invaluable for the expanded functions and also grabbing, which is more flexible than 4.13 version. Although it depends on needs. @anonymous_user_83a04d6c it’s probably the fps. You can disable them in level blueprint. remove the console command “stat fps”. you can also uncheck “enable all screen messages” @Panther1987 in fact the teleport function will go through only if you hit something, but also I’ve added a safe function to teleport only on relatively even surface and on navmesh (next version). The best thing will be to put a navmesh in the level + another one on your mesh, then enable teleporting on it in the teleport function (see picture from next version).
If you can wait a few days I’ll put a mesh on which you can teleport on the next version for you. @ericrius1 While everything should be there I did not tested multiplayer extensively since I was waiting for 4.13 for 3d widgets. As soon as I put 4.12 out of the door in a few days I will switch to 4.13 and test and solve multiplayer.
@proteus I think i just found what’s causing my screepercentage issue.
I made a “stereo on” node for beginplay in level blueprint. Once I deleted this node, the game would start full screen, then I manually start “stereo on” in console, I can increase the SP.
What I have noticed about this issue is, if I use the “stereo on” node in beginplay, 100%SP looks worse than the 100%SP when I start stereo manually.
Does this have anything to do with the game starting in full screen and staying in full screen?
I’d really like to figure this out, because I’d hate to have to manually start the HMD every time I begin the program.
@Talismansa Good practices would recommend putting “stereo on” and “enable HMD” in the player controller. Setting “setres” in the level bp should not impact anything it’s just for your monitor output. Last time I tried “mirror off” it litteraly broke my project. Maybe fixed since that. @showpixel Thanks I’ll fix it retrospectively. That’s the kind of thing I would never see since it’s too obvious.
I’m preparing a solid, efficient, and thoroughly tested version incorporating the best of the 4.13 template but still compatible with 4.12. Been working 12 hours on that today while constantly putting on and on the Vive and the Rift, still another day or to to go and test everything!