Steam VR Template

Does it do it with the Non Grip controllers as well? I can’t test at work at the moment but I want to make sure it isn’t the plugin causing it.
They changed how controllers query in 4.12 and it is line for line the same, but just want to make sure.

Edit Just checked 4.12.2, there were no changes to the motion controllers in it so the plugin should still be 1:1.

However you might want to make sure that the motion controller has bDisableLowLatencyUpdate set to False and that the vr.EnableMotionControllerLateUpdate CVar is set to true.

Meh, i’ll check on it tonight

Sorry what do you mean by non grip controllers?

I do confirm the stutter, just tested with 4.12.2, even in packaged mode.

I’ll check on it tonight, but out of curiosity, do objects that you pick up also suffer from this? Or is it only the controller model?

In the Vive_Pawn blueprint under the GripMotionController_L Details->Motion Controller there is a ‘Disable Low Latency Update’ option. I checked this box and re-ran the template and it fixed it!

It was fixed by DISABLING low latency updates?

Yep. It has fixed it for me. Left controller and Right hand are smooth as butter when disabling low latency update on both hand controllers.

Ok, I really have to check out the default controllers as well tonight then if the problem is in the rendering thread, because that is the reverse of a fix.

thanks guys to have a look at the problem! * now on a boat! *

I can’t package the project with the gripmotioncontroller plugin in it. It crashes shortly after I begin to package it for 64 bit Windows.

Objects suffer from the same problem, more with the hand model than with the controller model.

Just curious, what video cards are you guys using?

My first attempts to replicate on my own test project failed, only the normal low FPS ghosting if I taxed the system below 90 fps.

I am downloading the template to see if it performs differently than my own set up.

I’m running a GTX 970 on driver 368.22 (Windows 10)

P.S If it makes a difference… I’m running Steam VR (Beta).

Ok…I edited the plugin, 4.12 added a sceneview priority setting that they use to force the controllers to update last, I copied over the definition to the grip controller so that it would use the latest update possible, the default setting had it at being one of the first. This was an unannounced change in 4.12 that I missed when going over the source.

In low FPS environments it was causing hitching and the template default map nose dives my FPS. I am re-compiling all of the binaries for the BP only users and then will commit the patch for the plugin. Just download it in an hour or so and it should help / fix the problem.

The commit is up

@Magnvs Be sure to have the function “Enable HMD” checked in level blueprint. I don’t know if it’s because a Vive or UE4 update but since approx 4.12 you have to enable it or it doesn’t activate the Vive /QUOTE]

Oh that is quite clever actually I guess, I was a little concerned about my Vive being on constantly while in the editor (especially as it’s showing a static image).

Did you tried to make an empty c++ class and then package it ? It works for me :slight_smile:

Am I looking in the wrong place? shows last commit 2 days ago.

I can confirm it works flawlessly after disabling low latency update :slight_smile:

The plugin is technically a seperate project, he just includes it in his download out of convenience.

Bitbucket page

Download page

Technically no, disabling that causes the controller to lag behind your movements significantly, it just isn’t as jarring as the stuttering. I wouldn’t suggest leaving that setting off as eventually it is pretty noticeable that your hand movements aren’t 1:1.