Steam VR Template

@Diem @ I removed the Settings Struct because it was causing problems when packaging the game. The Settings are now within the Settings section of Vive_Pawn, Level blueprint and Lightsaber_BP @Panther1987 You’re right it crashes. Investigating that right now.

@Panther1987 and all

Ok guys I found why you cannot compile or change anything to the Vive_Pawn since 1.9.3. It’s not an error from our end – everything is(was) fine.

The culprit is the function Attach Actor to Component, inside the nodes “Spawn Poles at Chaperon’s Corners”. This function has been depreciated with 4.12

Just remove these nodes and everything will be allright. I’ll send a version tonight with the function patched. It seems this is not the only project with this crash: I can't figure out this 4.12 crash - Cinematics & Media - Unreal Engine Forums and 4.12.1 Crash when trying to compile (DEMO PROJECT) - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

Thanks Epic I just lost 3 hours of my life finding this one…

Edit: The problem was double. The Attach Actor to Component was replaced by AttachToComponent BUT there is also a bug with the ForEachLoop function. As soon you try to link something to the variables in/ou of the function, program crashes. This is a known bug (UE-31740) and will be fixed by Epic this week with a hotfix: 4.12.1 Crash when trying to compile (DEMO PROJECT) - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

So for now the function is ok as far as you replace Attach Actor to Component and unlink variables in/ou from For Each Loop:

I’ll issue a fix this week following hotfix from Epic.

Yeah you might want to keep an eye on the Migration thread that Rama starts after every major version. The new component attachment was detailed in there (as well as the patch notes but those take longer to parse than the migration thread).

On my side I’ve had more than 6 hours of joy with the templates today, they are incredibly helpful!

@ Just wait for 1.10 it will be a big one with lot of new features and a new environment!

Thanks a lot for the template. While I get a proper 90 fps and fluid scene movements in my Vive HMD, the controller is kind of shaky (like if it was 45 or less fps). Should I change a specific setting ?


Your template is amazing.
One small question: How can we replace the hand by another mesh ? For example to replace the hand by a Geiger Counter

@Bouda98 Go in Vive_Pawn under the GripMotionControllerL or R you can add/replace meshes

That’s possible you’ll have some errors because the hand is referenced in the blueprint

Or you can also simply check hidden in game under hand mesh and add something else

It will be simpler/modular in next iteration

Preview in VR doesn’t work for me in this version, it doesn’t seem to activate the Vive. (Running another project that wakes it up parallel to this one does work)

Let me start by saying thanks. I have made a few projects utilizing this Vive Pawn and I absolutely love the work you have . Proteus you have put together a pretty good template keep up the good work!

I am having a problem migrating content from the Unreal Content Examples pack into a VR Scene. When I bring in one of the rooms and add the Vive pawn to it, everything works like it should except I get two orange dots in the middle of the screen (Like it thinks I have an Oculus or Grear VR and need to look to select objects…) Does anybody know where I would go to remove this setting? I tried creating a new project and just migrating the room I wanted and got the same results.

@Magnvs Be sure to have the function “Enable HMD” checked in level blueprint. I don’t know if it’s because a Vive or UE4 update but since approx 4.12 you have to enable it or it doesn’t activate the Vive
@CypherMage2 It’s probably a HUD layer. Change the HUD class to HUD or None under the GameMode (SteamVR_GM or other).
@ Thanks I’ll check that out with every fix

@EarthHobbit It seems that 4.12 changed a lot of things for VR. From what I can see although staying at a stable 90fps in the editor, the controllers lags since 4.12. I’ll make more tests Monday but I’m pretty sure it’s due to version change, and nothing in the template will change that. I hope 4.12.2 would fix that in a few days.

For now if you compile it should be gone on a packaged game.

Thanks for your quick answer. Same lag issue with the package (4.12.1). Looking forward to the update !

The update is here (4.12.2), enjoy :slight_smile:

I’m in a train right so I’ll be unable to test 4.12.2 until Monday but I think the controllers lag should be resolved with this version:

Fixed! UE-31736 SteamController BackRight is not setup correctly
Fixed! UE-31687 Vive: Positional Latency with a Possessed Pawn’s Camera Component

I’m not sure for ForEachLoop function I hope it has also been resolved.

Someone was getting the ForEach crash with my sessions plugin and has verified that it works fine now in 4.12.2, all should be good.

Hmmm it seems the controllers lag is always there. Unless there is something specific to do of course.
And when i take the lightsaber and release it, unreal crashes.

I have just tested this template in 4.12.2 and the controllers are still lagging.

What is the “lag” on them? As in there isn’t any late update on them? Or stutter?

Its just a stutter to their movement not input lag. They don’t move smoothly. You can see the glaring difference when you switch the Vive menu on and see the vanilla controllers which are silky smooth. Switch the menu off and go back to UE and you can see a graphical stutter when you move the controllers. The game world seems silky smooth at 90fps.