Steam VR resets GameUserSettings Resolution


we recently moved from 4.22 to 4.23 and suddenly the game is on both of my screens.

I already tried:

  1. Set Resolution in BP
  2. SetRes with ConsolComand Note in BP
  3. Added a GameUserSettings and DefaultGameUserSetting to Config folder

If I start PIE it works just fine and also rewrites my GameUserSetting.ini

In Standalone it doesn’t rewrite my GameUserSettings.ini but has the correct resolution

With right click on exe an LaunchGame - closes test to packed game - something is resetting my GameUserSettings to 2880x1080 and displays that resolution. This doesn’t happen if the second screen is unpluged. And it also only happens when SteamVR is started and the headset is connected.

Point 1-3 was not necessary and everything worked fine in 4.22.

Any ideas?

This also happens with an empty VR Template project. Could somebody with a VR headset test this as well? After creating a VR Template project open the locomotion map than go to your project folder and right click on exe - launch game. Do you have the same result. You need two monitors I think. Resolution is set to 2880. Which I think is VR Headset resolution.