Steam VR Input Migration - 4.23 - Please Help

Many Many questions regarding steamvr.
Trying to add support for all the headsets when I only have CV1 and Ody + on hand.
Please advise. Inputs Attached.


Has anyone successfully gotten ALL the HMD inputs to fire in 4.23 using steamVR Input?

Is it true Index requires axis to have _X or _Y but Vive ( Cosmos also? ) requires double axis entry (X and Y)?

WMR sticks fire nothing unless WMR plugin enabled which breaks all other HMDs,
new standard has Steam VR Windows MR Controller Joystick X and Y axis but nothing fires.

B. Does ONLY the Vive require double axis entries or do all SteamVR HMD’s do?

C. Changing MoveForward and MoveRight to Move_X and Move_Y breaks the Oculus inputs so I have started using double sets of inputs.

The documentation says that if UE detects a single SteamVRInput it will disable the legacy ones, is this for the entire project or just for that input action?

Basically a legacy and a SteamVR set. So now there is a a input axis Move Forward and a input axis Move_X and they both fire the MoveForward event.

D. So should the legacy MoveForward ONLY have legacy inputs and the Move_X ONLY address the inputs that require the name have _X axis’ added?

E. Has anyone gotten the WMR Joysticks to work via the SteamVRInput plugin WITHOUT requiring the user to hack SteamVR directly?

This has been driving me crazy, many weeks behind schedule. Any help would be more than appreciated.
Thank you.