[STEAM] FindSession fails when in active session

In UE 4.17 EFindLobbiesState::WaitForRequestLobbyData fails to find lobby/session data if in an active session. Any fix for this? I seems to be a miscount between LobbyIDs.Num() & SessionInt->PendingSearchLobbyIds.Num()

Seeing the same thing on 4.20.

Seeing the same thing on 4.27.

I’m writing this down in case anyone still has this problem.

I added my netid to the extra setting when creating a session, and excluded the server player’s netid when doing findsession.
If I do this, it will be searched even in the active session.

We fixed it with following modification:

	bool IsMemberOfLobby(const FUniqueNetIdSteam& LobbyId)
		FScopeLock ScopeLock(&JoinedLobbyLock);

		return JoinedLobbyList.Find(LobbyId.AsShared()) != INDEX_NONE;

		// It seams that 'FUniqueNetIdSteam.AsShared()' is somehow broken or probably can't be used this way
		// because 'JoinedLobbyList.Find()' returns 'INDEX_NONE' even for IDs that are present in the list.
		// Maybe this method should in stead of 'FUniqueNetIdSteam' accept 'FUniqueNetIdSteamRef' because
		// currently all use cases works that way.

		for (int i = 0; i < JoinedLobbyList.Num(); i++)
			if (*JoinedLobbyList[i] == LobbyId)
				return true;
		return false;
