Steam Advanced Sessions - Can't Join Session

When I try to join a session that I create, it just sends me back to the main menu. I tried disabling all firewalls, and changed the [/Script/Engine.Engine] to [/Script/Engine.GameEngine], same results. If anyone can help, let me know!

Hey @ninjagokristian

please show us how you set up the session and how you try to join the session. Also please tell us what version of Unreal Engine and Steam Advanced Sessions you are using.

UE 5.3.2 and Advanced Sessions Steam, the latest version on GitHub.

Hey @ninjagokristian

  • Are you doing this with a compiled game with two steam clients or on one machine with the editor?

  • Did you check that your FindSession really finds a session?

and changed the [/Script/Engine.Engine] to [/Script/Engine.GameEngine]

Two compiled game with one machine, and also another machine, both running the same packaged game version on the same wifi network.

It does find a session, as it appears in my server list menu but when I click it to join it, I get sent to the main menu.

I did follow the instructions.

How do I forward the port for the steam server? And do I have to do this manually on all computers or do I have to add the code to the game?

Hey @ninjagokristian

are you using two different Steam accounts?

Port forwarding:
You do this inside your router so you can join to the server from outside your network. In your case you could also test to use the UseLAN checkbox on the CreateSession node. And check that allowed connections are bigger than zero “AmountOfSlots”

two different steam accounts, both residing in the same region.

so for everyone they have to edit their router to create servers? and do I have to change the settings if I enable UseLAN?

My “public connections” is set to a minimum number of 2, and a maximum of 8 (using a selector when you create the server). And the private connections is always 0.


Hey @ninjagokristian

this version works for me: (149.9 KB)

Steam recognizes it as AppID 480 and connecting should also work. If you want I can create a server you can join

do you have discord? i can send you a packaged version of my game and I can try joining your game.

ill try this too

EDIT: it won’t open in UE5 for some reason…

I am currently having this exact same issue, i made a thread about it.

Did you ever figure out what was wrong?