Stationary Skylight does not bake A.O. on mobile platforms

When I bake the lighting from a stationary skylight the A.O. is visible on the P.C.

But not in the mobile previewer or on IOS platforms.


If I switch the skylight to static it will render the A.O. correctly on mobile. The problem with that is that a static skylight combined with a directional light gives you jet black shadows.


Hey TeamKingdom -

Your should only be using the Static mobility on mobile. The Darkness issue can be fixed by going into your world settings and adjusting the Environment Color in the Lightmass away from Black.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Hi Eric, Thanks for the quick response.
I have tried the Environment color setting before and when combined with a dynamic shadow it does nothing.
Here is a shot of the P.C. with a static skylight (Note the blue tint) and a mid grey environment color. 1 moveable, directional light is casting shadows.

And the same settings on mobile. Not only does the environment color have no effect but the effect of the static skylight is also negated (No blue tint or A.O.)

I also tried using a shadow tint post process as suggested by [][3] in this post;

That didn’t seem to work either. Although there is an overall tint of the shadow color in the mobile scene it doesn’t have any effect on the black shadows.

Although the UE4 documentation says that only static skylights are supported on mobile, the only thing that has been able to shift the shadows out of blackness is by changing the skylight property to ‘stationary’ or ‘mobile’. Shown here.

But that seems like a lucky accident as it doesn’t really work properly. It doesn’t have any tone variance at all in the ambient and no AO either, just a flat color.
I think I have exhausted all the possibilities. It really seems to be a problem with the direct shadow/light on mobile. It removes all other lighting from the scene.

Hey TeamKingdom -

What is your complete lighting setup in your level? Are you using a directional light and the skylight or just the skylight itself? If you are using one, what is the directional light’s settings?

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Hi Eric, I have a skylight and a directional light. The skylight is set to static and has default settings. The directional light has been set to moveable and I have changed the intensity to 5 and the shadow bias to 0.3

I have digging around on the answer hub and I found this snippet on the subject of skylights. It was posted by RCaloca as an answer to someone else’s query.

RCaloca STAFF 8 days ago
We have a known bug in the mobile hdr off rendering path where some features are not working, such as (this) skylight and scene captures. We will try to get this fixed for 4.6, The current workaround is to enable mobile hdr in your project. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Could this be part of the problem? I have mobile HDR enabled in my project but it still isn’t working and it doesn’t work in the preview (I don’t know if you can enable or disable HDR for the mobile preview?

The dynamic shadows on mobile issue keeps cropping up; we haven’t had any success in getting mobile shadows to work correctly with the suggested settings either (1 static skylight, 1 mobile directional light, mobile HDR on).

Shadows appear fully black on device and in the preview, and tweaking the environment color or editing the shadow tint do nothing to change this. At this point it seems that this feature is not actually functional - I’m just wondering what results Epic has had in-house? Can you provide any example content with mobile shadows working correctly?

For the time being, we are treating dynamic shadows on mobile as non-functional/bugged, but it would be great to get it working, or get some advice from someone who implemented the feature.

Mobile HDR (currently) means no lighting, so skylights are presumed to not work (scene captures are now fixed). If you enable/disable it, you should see it reflected on mobile preview.

Thanks for the response. I enable and disable the mobile HDR checkbox under the project render settings but I see no difference in the mobile preview. Apart from the shaders all rebuilding when I toggle it there seems to be no difference.

Actually, I can see the difference between “Mobile HDR on” and “Mobile HDR off” but only if I use a Stationary skylight which, I have been told, doesn’t work properly on mobile. Which is the topic of this whole thread. If you guys get different results could you please post a picture and describe the settings you used. I have pushed every button and flicked every switch,

The reason I wont stop asking is because I have had nobody confirm that this is a bug and I’m afraid that its not going to be addressed.

Hey TeamKingdom -

Ambient Occlusion is currently unsupported on mobile.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

My question is about baked lighting not post process ssao. This really isn’t resolved and doesn’t seem to work in 4.6 either.

Hi TeamKingdom,

I think I’m experiencing a similar thing, see here

Mods, can we perhaps merge these threads?

Hi guys, this is fixed on the main branch as of 2370047. It won’t make it for 4.6 unfortunately.

Awesome. I’m glad you found the problem. I will have spend my time waiting for 4.7 by getting to grips with mobile landscape.
Thanks again. I would like to accept your answer as the definitive one but I don’t have the permissions.

Correction. I can accept it and have done so.

I’m having the same issue appearing randomly. It has randomly stopped working on PC, but I somehow got that resolved. I showed up on , but I think just switching values on and off got it to work. But now I have one android device where it works (samsung tab a) and one where it does not (samsung galaxy s6)

Hey Spectral Ink,

Since this issue was resolved through an official bug fix and the user reported it as no longer occurring, would you mind creating a new answerhub post with as much information to your issue as possible. Since it is working on iOS but not on Android, this could be platform/device specific, which requires a new post to appropriately address the issue.

Please refer to our How to Report a Bug sticky on the forums to get an idea of the information we will ask for when writing up an official bug/crash report. Once you have created the new post, you can provide the link in your response to this comment and I will begin investigation the issue. If you have further questions, please let me know.
