So I took a quick look at your project and your performance issues are coming from the number of Stationary Point Lights casting shadows. How I came about this conclusion was using the, ‘profileGPU’ command and observe the GPU Visualizer.
Each one of your Stationary Point Lights are casting a shadow. Only 4 or fewer overlapping stationary lights can have static shadowing, because the lights must be assigned to different channels of a shadowmap texture. This is a graph coloring problem, so there are often fewer than 4 overlapping allowed due to topology. Shadowing cannot affect the overlap test, so the sunlight typically requires a channel from the entire level it is in, even the underground areas.
Once the channel limit is reached, additional stationary lights will use whole scene dynamic shadows at a severe performance cost. The StationaryLightOverlap view mode can be used to visualize the overlap, which is updated dynamically as you modify the lights. Light icons are changed to a red X when they are not able to allocate a channel.
[Stationary Lights][2]
Let me know if you have further questions or need additional assistance.
ok, i’m made same scene, withou any Stationary Lights Overlap. Can you explain why i’m have huge perfomace drop?
Now this scene with Folliage(Dynamic Without Lightmap)
Dynamic objects (like StaticMeshComponents and SkeletalMeshComponents with Mobility set to Movable) must integrate into the static shadowing of the world from distance field shadowmaps. This is accomplished with Per Object shadows.
Each movable object creates two dynamic shadows from a stationary light: a shadow to handle the static world casting onto the object, and a shadow to handle the object casting onto the world. With this setup, the only shadowing cost for stationary lights comes from dynamic objects that it affects. This means the cost can vary from very little to a large amount, depending on how many dynamic objects there are. With enough dynamic objects, it is more efficient to use a Movable light instead.
Directional Stationary Lights are special because they support whole scene shadows through Cascaded Shadow Maps at the same time as static shadowing. This is very useful in levels with a lot of animating foliage; you want to have moving shadows around the player but do not want to pay the cost of having many cascades to cover a large view range. The dynamic shadows are faded into static shadows over distance, such that the transition is often indistinguishable. To set this up, just change the Dynamic Shadow Distance StationaryLight of a DirectionalLightStationary to be the range at which you want the fade to happen.
Movable components will still create PerObject shadows even when using Cascaded Shadow Maps on a directional light. This behavior is useful with small Dynamic Shadow Distances, but incurs unnecessary cost with larger distances. To disable PerObject shadows and save performance, disable Use Inset Shadows For Movable Objects on the light