Stationary Directional Light + GPU Lightmass + landscape = Force GPU Flush error

During a development of a project I encountered a strange error:

LogD3D12RHI: Warning: Force flushing command list to GPU because too many commands have been enqueued already (10002 commands)

The level structure looks like this:

  • on a persistent level, I placed static objects that need to have lighting baked (I use GPU Lightmass for baking)
  • on sub-level I placed landscape with foliage, all elements of this sub-level are dynamic as I don’t want to bake lighting there
  • on other sub-levels, I got lighting scenarios that have only lights inside with different settings

Before light baking, I disable landscape sub-level visibility to skip light baking for it. After the bake is complete, I turn on the landscape’s sub-level visibility and this error is thrown each frame. The only way I can stop it is I can remove landscape or I can change directional light’s mobility to Dynamic or Static and bake the lighting again.

Any idea what may be causing this problem? Ask me for any information, I will be glad to see that someone wants to help me. Thank you!

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I’m facing a similar issue and can’t complete my project as can’t bake lighting, Lunch, or do packing for the project same error was found in the log and UE4 crush always at 20%

Did you figure it out?


Hello there!
I’m having the same issue, over 10k commands list to gpu. I have 3k actors, all textures optimized (1gb streaming max required), but still, because of this warning, my game is very laggy and slow in standalone mode, PIE or packaged.
The scalability setting won’t work either


Have you found any solution please ?

Use the Luoshuang’s GPULightmass this issue will disappear.