Static Meshes spawned in Construction Script without light build.


I have a blueprint that spawns a few static meshes on construction script in a random fashion on a determined area.

Everything works as intended, the meshes spawn properly, the thing is…

They look bright since they are not affected by the light build…
So basically when I look up or down, while my platform moves… the tunels get darker through the length of it, but not the spawned meshes… Because they look emissive, which is not supposed to happen.

Note: This is a VR project to run on Standalone QUEST 2

Hope anyone can help,
Thanks for the attention.

Did you set their mobility to static?
You can do that by selecting the Add Static Mesh Component node and in the details panel under Transform, set Mobility to Static.


Hey! thanks for the fast reply!

I’ve set their mobility to static, and I can caonfirm that it works… for a few rocks only, which is odd.

Some stay dark in the dark, and give proper shadows when the only dynamic light in the level passes by. But 90% of the rocks still look emissive.

They all share the same material parent, which does not have any emissive.

Any idea of what could be causing this effect?


Is their roughness low? Is there Reflection Captures in the level? sometimes reflections can look brighter. Don’t know how to fix it though, If that’s the case. (other than maybe to increase the roughness.)

Or maybe there’s a light in the level that’s not casting shadows?
That’s all I can think of.

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Their roughness is particularly high, since they are all rocks and pebbles and stuff of that sorts.

Reflection Captures, I have 1, but nowhere near the rocks area.

I only have 2 Lights:

  • 1 Direction Light when the game starts, that then gets destroyed before the rocks are even spawned.
  • The other light is a Point Light and is the one that’s connected to the moving platform, and that cast proper shadows in some of the rocks.

This is rather an odd issue, I have multiple of the same rocks spawning, some look bright, other look dark as they should.

Are there any particular settings I should look into when spawning meshes?

Note: The meshes spawn in complete dark, with not a single light nowhere near them.

Thanks for the help!

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Yeah this is weird. Hopefully someone else here knows some solutions/workarounds. Good luck.

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