I am having immense trouble with something that should be really simple: I’m trying to get a missile blueprint containing a missile static mesh to follow a blueprint with a spline component, but the mesh never appears, instead only the contrail of the missile remains. I have the mesh and contrail Niagara system parented to a scene component, which is then sent along the spline. Everything seems to be working properly, but the mesh remains invisible in-game.
At no point in the blueprints involved is there an “Actor Hidden In Game” checked or node called, nor a “Visible” unchecked or node called.
Banging my head against the wall as I have a deadline to make at my company. Any help you guys might be able to offer?
Yeah, that’s super bizarre!
Can you show any screenshots? Of any pertinent code, and in this case also the components list on your actor?
Get back to us and let’s get this figured out!
Edit: Also try making a new actor and giving it a static mesh component and attaching the missile static mesh to that, then throw it in the scene and hit play, just to see if it might be the mesh itself.
Hi @Mind-Brain! Thanks, I haven’t posted here in about a year so I might as well be welcomed as though I have never been to the forums. Haha!
Yeah, I’ve never had this happen before. What’s strange is that the missile path spline is the most complex thing that’s being done here, but everything works fine except the mesh.
I did as you said, made an actor blueprint and added the mesh-- and the mesh appears just fine in-game.
Here are the blueprint screen captures you wanted:
1.) Spawn Missile.
Try detaching the travel code, and looking at the spawn point to see if it indeed spawned the SM. Also- you can drag the SM into the event graph, and on tick, get its location and push that to a printstring. You don’t want to do the whole missile, just the static mesh- the goal is to find it, I am willing to bet it is appearing just being hidden somewhere within your scene. And check the collisions, and if you have gravity enabled- gravity enabled on the SM will likely have it fall through the floor of the world.
Also, on spawn, you can pause the simulation and check the world outliner- find your missile actor, and select the static mesh and you should be able to locate it. If the world location has no static mesh there, we’re dealing with something strange.
The goal here isn’t necessarily to fix the problem, but find out what is causing it, THEN we fix it!
Detached the travel code and spawned the actor. Result: No static mesh. Everything else is there though.
I’ve attached the event tick to a print string that shows the location of the static mesh. Result: it seems to be following its proper location next to the contrail.
On the BP_SM-3, can you highlight the SM component and show the details tab? Because this DEFINITELY seems like a self-contained Static Mesh issue, nothing to do with the traveling or anything else.
If you could get screenshots of all of it, that would honestly be the best thing, because more information would be better, and as this is not something I’ve seen often, we could be looking at anything.
Also, you aren’t setting the material for the SM at runtime, are you? That could be the issue as well, it can be wonky.
So the only thing I would say is even a little bit out of the ordinary is the amount of textures going on a fast-spawning actor… It’s POSSIBLE that they’re large enough that the rocket isn’t being drawn fast enough based on the materials.
Try removing them (you can just ctrl+Z them back on it) and run the game. If it then shows up with the “Neutral” material you have your answer!
@Mind-Brain , I removed all materials, and the mesh still didn’t appear. Any more ideas?
I tried adding a cube to the transform that moves the missile around, and the cube wouldn’t render either…wonder if that’s a clue? I checked hidden in game and visibility and they are normal.
Hmm. So you added another static mesh and it didn’t render, or you replaced the missile with a cube and it didn’t render?
There has to be something fishy there, either way.
You could TRY adding a cast in the launch logic, “GetComponentofClass” and getting “Static Mesh” then SETTING that static mesh to be the rocket mesh. Though at this point, that’s a workaround. This is extremely bizarre, there has to be something we’re missing.
Try doing a search like so, and searching for the static mesh component to see if you’ve added code somewhere you’re not thinking about.
Hi, I have had a similar problem and found this issue you have…
In my case I pasted some meshes into a Blueprint Actor Scene Root and then a Niagara System and a Point light.
Funny thing NS System and Pointlight are shown if I past the actor into the map.
But the static meshes where not visible…
But they were visible but just on a totally different place… no idea why this happens and still on the search. So on your case it might be the same issue that the static mesh is not at the place where it should be… but somewhere in the world.
Funny thing is if I move the actor the static meshes do not move they stay at the same place but the NSystem and the Point Lights are moving
Ok so in my case I made one static mesh to the scene root … then everything was fine.
So you see that I made the StaticMesh_3 to the Scene Root by dragging it to the SceneRoot.
@CorsairOfLight I’m tapped, I even had a few of my colleagues take a look at it and they’re stumped. See if Sikhor’s solution works for you.
Also I was looking at your component list… What is SM-3_Transform and why is it after the DefaultSceneRoot? Is that a scene node under the scene node? Could you just get rid of that and move the SM-3 to be the root?
@Mind-Brain I found out what it was by deleting each piece of the code and following it to its source: the spawn transform. Apparently, the missile spawn transform was linked to the missile hatch location, via a socket on the hatch joint.
The socket had 0 scale.
Thank you guys especially @Mind-Brain for helping out with this one.
MORAL OF THE STORY: CHECK YOUR SPAWN TRANSFORM. It may have no scale and screw up everything afterwards.