Static mesh disappears when i use BlueprintSpawnable in .h UCLASS()

hi everyone.i made a static mesh component class in c++ and i tried to use it in the blueprint version of my asset(u can assume i have a tank asset (blueprint) and i wanted to add my c++ class in blueprint (Add Component -----> custom section----->Barrel(for example))) so i used this code on my header file like this

#pragma once
#include "Components/MeshComponent.h"
#include "TankBarrel.generated.h"

UCLASS(ClassGroup = (Custom), meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
class TANKERS_API UTankBarrel : public UMeshComponent

specially i insist on UCLASS((ClassGroup = (Custom), meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent)), so its alright till here, the real problem is now i cant set static mesh in blueprints.

as u can see there is no static mesh section here, im watching UDEMY course and its alright there.
thank u so much.

Are you sure you need to inherit from UMeshComponent? It looks like abstract parent for UStaticMeshComponent or USkeletalMeshComponent. Use one of them.