Static Mesh: Diagonal Shadow Bleeding

My static meshes, which I created in Blender, have diagonal shadow artifacts if they lay on the ground.
After Light Rebuild they disappear which is fine, but if they simulate physics and collide they turn again.
Also if they don’t collide with other meshes or BSP it works well.
The Lightmap should be ok.

How do I get rid of it ?

What is your lightmap resolution?
Compared to the blue guy, your mesh looks rather “big”. It may need more than the default resolution.
Also set your lighting build level to “production” to increasy shading point density.

The default lightmap resolution works fine, higher resolutions too.
But the mesh still get this bleeding if its laying on the ground; when it doesn’t collide with the ground its fine.
(Take a look at the first attachment)


Because, if far from the ground, it does not receive that much indirect light from the ground.
Shadow artefacts are usually, at least for me, mor visible and pronounced in areas affected by indirect lighting.
How do your UVs look like?

Here is the UV:

The gaps between the upper and lower two strips seems a bit small.
The middle strip on the other hand is bigger than necessary :slight_smile:
Also, keep in mind that the UV space is torroidal in nature, that is: Tiling in all directions. Because your UV polys reach to the left and right edge, the left side will influence the right, because its actually next to it. Scale them down a tiny bit and distribute them more evenly in the vertical…

KVogler is right. You need to make sure that you also have padding on the left and right side of the lightmap UV.

Even with these tips it still appears.

No other suggestions ?

wow thats an odd one, bad normals perhaps? do you have the edges marked as sharp (CTRL+E) in edit mode. Also on the Mesh data tab, tick the Auto Smooth tick box before exporting.

Yes I tried it out, sadly theres no change.
It’s strange that it only appears with this small mesh.