Static Mesh Components added in construction script not showing up in editor list

I have a blueprint actor with a some mesh and skeletal mesh components inside.
Using the blueprint construction script, I add 10 more static meshes to the actor, with one of the existing ones as parent. That all works fine, but they do not show up in the list of components that you can see while you’re ‘playing’ the game in the editor.

So I click play (everything renders fine). I hit pauze and eject button, and I click on my actor. Now on the right there is this list of components inside this actor, but the 10 static meshes that were added in the blueprint construction script are not showing up there, even though they are rendered properly. This is annoying because I use this pause-and-eject to check if certain properties on my components are doing what they are supposed to be doing, but I can’t access these 10 :frowning:

Has anyone else noticed this, knows why this happens, or knows a workaround?

If not, then I will add this as a Bug Report.
