Static Mesh Actor Null


I have a problem with static mesh, I tried to follow these instructions: But I don’t have that : StaticMesh Actor’s Property Window->StaticMeshActor Category->StaticMeshComponent->StaticMeshComponent Category to set the ‘StaticMesh’ Property. I use UE4.10.3
Those are door holes what give me that error.
What should I do ?

It just means that you have static mesh actors in your scene, that dont have a mesh set, which means they are so to speak ‘empty’. So the question now is, if you are visibly missing meshes or not? If you do, you have to set a mesh for those actors, if not, click through them and delete them from your scene to get rid of this warning.

Okey, I got rid of that, but why after building light does my game looks like this ( I have added spotlight, skylight) ?:

hard to tell, maybe your mesh normals are reversed? Do you have a light inside the room? Do you have a skylight in your scene? Did you set the LM resolution appropriately.

I would recommend that you check out Unreal Engine Documentation etc.

p.s. please dont send me PMs. Dont have a lot of time in the forums, anyway, sorry.

Either your meshes have very low res. lightmaps or they have overlapping UV’s. For more info: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums

Got it, thank you.