Static light build weird textures


I am having some issues with building light info.
After building the lightmaps a few models I have get strange patterns applied on them :

While it looked like this before building :

I am guessing the pattern is the lightmap texture tilling but I have no idea why and how I can fix this.

Thank you for your help.

PS : I am a programmer I have little to no understanding of the art pipeline, I just hit the Build button :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s your lightmap uv’s and uv’s. You’ll have to re-do them. Are you using Blender?

Take a look at this thread: https://answers.unrealengine/questions/45196/strange-texture-artifacting.html

  • lightmap UVs are overlapping -> recreate it
  • make sure that you use the right lightmap coordinate index :slight_smile:

Apparently nothing is overlapping so I am looking at the coordinate index, thanks :slight_smile:

Then just set it to “1” so that the UE4 is using the right uv for the lightmap -> this will solve your problem :smiley:

It did solve the issue, I had to tick the “Generate UVs” as well now everything works great :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot for your help !