Static light artefacts after migrate project to 5.0

Hello everyone! I’m trying to move the project to 5.0 and strange sharpen artifacts appear when trying to bake the light (use cpu lightmapper). Pic 1 as it was baked before, pic 2 as it is baked now, how can it be fixed? I tried to remove the light and replace it with a new one, but everything is the same


Hey there @KomarEvgenij! Does this occur with freshly made maps as well? It might be necessary to back the project up, then delete the Derived Data Cache and rebake.

Thanks, I tried, but it doesn’t help. I created a clean project, a new scene, imported only the mesh there and the artifacts are still there :(. By the way, everything is fine on versions 5.1.1 and 5.2.0, this happens only on 5.0.3. So I think I won’t include support for version 5.0.3 for the marketplace, this is the only solution)


Ahhh that’s unfortunate. It seems like the issue is at least localized to that version. It seems that the lightmapper is failing to read properly and losing resolution. I hadn’t been able to reproduce it on my side so that’s extra interesting. I know there was a bug with virtual shadowmapping in 5.03, but that’s a bit different here.

Lightmap directionality was broken in 5.0 anyway, wouldn’t surprise me if this was related.


Thanks for the heads up Ark, that’s likely related in this case. Since this is for a marketplace asset, even backporting that fix won’t help users that download the assets so in this case not much to do unfortunately.


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