When using a stat creator device to create a new stat, I’m able to track the stat and display on the scoreboard for that round appropriately. But when the round finishes, and the next round begins, the stat is populated again with the ending value of last round and doesn’t reset for the round.
Please select what you are reporting on:
Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Steps to Reproduce
My Stat Creator Device settings are:
- Scope: Player
- User Persistence : Enabled
- Auto Save: Enabled
- Auto Load: Enabled
Save Point Device settings are:
- Auto Save: Enabled
- Auto Load: Enabled
- Save Scoreboard Stats Behavior: Career
- Save All Scoreboard Stats: Yes
Island Settings are:
- Display Scoreboard: Enabled
- Display Career Scoreboard: Enabled
- Show Cumulative Scoreboard: Disable
- First Column: Eliminations
- Second Scoreboard Column: “My custom stat”
Go into a multi round game setup, get eliminations and make your custom stat go up (I use verse for that), and check your stat values at the end and beginning of next round across the scoreboard and career pages.
Expected Result
What I’d expect is for the stat for the round, shown on the Scoreboard, resets each round. And that the Career Scoreboard shows a cumulative value for all rounds. This would mimic the expected behavior of other stats like Eliminations for example.
Observed Result
When the round finishes, and the next round begins, the custom stat on “Scoreboard” is populated with the ending value of last round. (Which I would’ve expected on the Career scoreboard)
The “Career” scoreboard is populated with Zero for my custom stat.