Startup Movies Not Working - 4.5

Hello, I have two startup movies and they are stashed in a movies folder in contents folder of project.

When I package game first startup movie plays for about 2 seconds and then it just skips and goes to level.

I have tick box “Wait for movies to complete” checked but it’s still skipping both startup movies.

startup movies are also 720p at 29FPS and were ran through handbrake just in case that’s cause of this as it seems to dislike 1080p startup movies. I’m also using a blueprint project.

It was worth a shot but alas it still bugs out and just closes video and loads after 3 seconds which is way before first video has finished :frowning:

If i am not mistaken i think i read somewhere that it only works well with 720 25fps mp4 format.Give it a try.You have nothing to lose. :slight_smile:

Howdy CaptainMcMarcus,

Thank you for reporting this issue that you have been seeing. Just to clarify, Which device would you be packaging your project for? Also, could you include your Dxdiag and any project log files associated with project?

Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and have a great day!

Basically It’s just two startup movies and i’m demploying onto windows 8.1 by using launch tool in editor and for some reason first video only plays for about 2-3 seconds and then it just cuts to first map.

I’ve also got another unusual issue where Open Level node doesn’t seem to work when deploying a development version in editor as well so whether or not two issues are linked I’m not sure.

I’ve attached files for you anyway :slight_smile:


18474-timetriggerlog.txt (3.95 MB)
[2]: 18473-dxdiag.txt (62.9 KB)

I’m having same problem. I’m running editor on Win 8.1 and building for Windows. It doesn’t matter if I build development or shipping, 32 or 64 bit.

Hi, I haven’t got a node under that name in any of blueprints I have in my project.

Would you have a node placed in a blueprint labeled Sequencer Movie? If so, this is an experimental node and may be causing issue. removing this node may fix issue.

Please be sure to let me know. Thanks!

Hey CaptainMcMarcus,

Is mp4 file also h264 encoded?

Yep, here is a copy of one of videos I’m using if that helps :slight_smile:


Howdy CaptainMcMarcus,

Thank you again for reporting this issue. I have seen error that you are seeing thanks to video that you have provided. I have gone ahead and placed UE-4666 in our bug database so that it may be resolved in a future release.

Thanks and have a great day!

Hi ,
Is there any workaround you can think of in meantime?
Is there a way to show an mp4 movie using slate or something?

Howdy avrahamy,

I have tried a couple of workarounds and have been unsuccessful so far. I used slate, Blueprints, and other possibilities. I will be sure to let you know when I find a way around this.


I managed to get my intro working by using the [WindowsTextureMovie plugin][1].

I created a new empty level with only a directional light, a camera and a 16:9 plane with movie texture one it (I didn’t manage to just draw this texture over whole screen).
I then added some blueprints to load my main menu when clicking mouse or pressing a key, or after movie is over (using a Delay node with a constant number of seconds - couldn’t get duration of movie dynamically).
It was also a bit hard to get audio working along with video, so I exported movie’s sound to WAV and played that on begin level.

Finally I added a short UE4 credit movie to run until game loads :slight_smile:

Hope that helps anyone.

GitHub - Ehamloptiran/TextureMoviePlugin: A UE4 plugin that allows you to import and play a movie as a texture

Hey just jumping in to see if this was ever fixed. I was looking for preferred format for startup movies and found thread. If there’s a format that’s preferred or that works with audio, please post it! :slight_smile:

Hi, currently it’s still broken but I assume it’s probably going to be fixed in 4.6

Hey Captain! plugin works in mobile as well?

I haven’t tried deploying it onto mobile so I don’t really know if it affects it on there, still waiting on a bug fix for it though.

Howdy everyone,

I have just pulled up bug report on this issue and issue has yet to be resolved. That is not saying that issue has not been resolved, but more then likely it will still be occurring because bug is still open. I am unsure as to exact time table on when this will be resolved as well.

There has been an Android video fix implemented into Engine, but that fix may not make it into 4.6. I will be sure to keep you updated as I hear any news on this issue.

Thanks and have a great day!

Hi, I got same problem even I’m using 4.6 version in windows 7. video skips after 2 secs. Well it might be from codec of mp4.