Starry Sky

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Project features:

  • 4 starfield cubemaps types to choose including a realistic Milky Way adapted from ESO Panorama:
  • Realistic Moon and its phases, textures from NASA: SVS - Moon Phase and Libration, 2018
  • SkyAtmosphere Day & Night cycle that considers the latitude
  • Totally dynamic day and night lighting, no need to bake light
  • Simulate Earth’s rotation speed which means you can do timelapses of the night sky with the stars and Moon in motion in the sky (note that this project is not a simulator and the mechanics are not like the real world)
  • Include basic clouds and you can add your own volumetric cloud
  • Easy to install, to use and newcomers friendly




Hi, I recently bought this and the sun, stars and moon have weird rotation: they suddenly change their orbit! So the sun rises and goes up, but suddenly changes angle and goes down! Same with the stars and the moon…
Is there a setting I am missing here?

Hello, thanks for posting, it’s something that I’m aware and i will try to improve. But it’s totally unnoticeable at game speed, only when accelerating the time it become noticeable. For now you can set to higher latitudes that it will be less noticeable.

In theory i know why this happens, it’s because the sun rise and set through a linear function. I should change that to a non-linear function like a quadratic function or something like that.

Great, thanks for your responce. Thing is that I will have a feature where the player watches the time speed forward so in my game it would be noticeable.
Im not able to fix it myself (hence I bought this asset) so I place my hopes in that you can make it less noticeable! If you do I will leave a 5 star rating :slight_smile: But at this point it is a dealbreaker for me unfortunately.

I was testing with the Moon and i just found a way. Probably until the end of the month i will release an update improving the Sun, Moon and stars rotation, so it will look seamless (or at least almost) when they change from rising to going down.

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Update V 1.2 released :

  • Added a new and more realistic day & night cycle system

Sorry, it took longer than expected, i had to create a new system. Now the Sun rotates in a more realistic way and it’s possible to preview its trajectory without needing to hit play, as well its possible to preview how the starfield will behave while the sun moves. And you can forward time that the rotation will remain smooth.

Sun settings now:
Captura de tela 2022-03-11 222116

Thanks for the new update of the sun/star rotation. However at mid-day and mid-night the sun and stars is still changing direction in a weird way. Much much better than before but unfortunately In my game you need to follow the stars and I need it quite realistic :frowning:
However I just removed the entire (quite complex) day/night cycle and added a very simple “add local rotation” node which makes the rotation perfect. (Not sure why you choose to make the sun rotate with a set curve?)

But I have another issue, when the sun is moving there is a weird effect where the sun and its lensflare is “flickering”. It can be seen the first seconds in your video:

I have no idea why this is and it doesnt look very nice…

Well, i have merged my project with the sun position calculator and my system is behaving pretty much like it. Surely it still can get better and the Moon rotation needs more work, still will try to make it better in future updates.

If you want the stars to rotate only in one direction instead of following the Sun’s trajectory, you can do a fake rotation for them like in the instructions bellow:

Open the material and break the SkyAtmosphereLightDirection connection to the ReflectionVector

Then open the Blueprint, go to event graph and do this:

But I have another issue, when the sun is moving there is a weird effect where the sun and its lensflare is “flickering”. It can be seen the first seconds in your video:
I have no idea why this is and it doesnt look very nice…

That’s simple, i found out that it’s the Sun’s Source Angle causing it. Increase it to a bigger value like 2 that it stops happening, and set the bloom to a lower value or 0.

Thanks for fixing that “flickering” from my point of view I strongly suggest you set these as default values as it looks much better.

As to the rotation, thanks for the workaround! It does however introduce a subtle psychedelic effect on the nightsky similar to some kind of heat effect.
However Im happy with the workaround that I have done. Will it mess something up for me since I have disconnected your day & night cycle?

More specifically what does not work for me is when I set the sun to have a high in the sky mid-day (since my game is in the desert it needs to be quite high) If it´s low the orbit seems to be fine. Just a tip, again my workaround is giving me the effect Im looking for: a realistic and straight “orbit” of the sun (or rather the earth :wink: )

Update V 1.3

  • Unreal Engine 5 support
  • Time of day now is in the 24h format
  • Adjustments in the milky way cubemap to look more natural when the bright of the center is set to 0
  • Sun’s source angle increased to avoid a flicker that happens with the default value
  • Added several new settings to control both clouds, volumetric and 2D, from the blueprint

Hey, thanks so much for the pack, it’s really beaut, loads of great ways to art direct it.

The main problem I’m experiencing right now is that when I animate the base or sun to rotate and cycle the day/night look in a level sequence, I can see the animation occuringly perfectly - but when I try and render this, nothing happens. To be clear this is my only light source in my project, I stripped out everything else to begin with.


Thanks man. I was able to make it work, it’s a conflict with the Blueprint event graph. Open the blueprint, go to event graph and break the links that are connecting to the sun’s rotation that it will work.

Also I’ve noticed that the Moon doesn’t change color dynamically in the level sequencer like in the construct scrip, but when rendering it changes normally so it shouldn’t be a problem.

I’ve done that in the level sequencer to make it work: added the blueprint to it, then added the sun and moon components that are inside the blueprint and then added transform to the sun and moon to rotate them.


Dude! Thank you! Was quite stressed so your fast response meant everything. That worked great. Will let you know if I run into anything else.

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Ok yeah one other thing. I can’t seem to rotate the volumetric clouds. The only workaround I can figure out is to parent everything in my scene to an actor and rotate that round instead which is a bit awkward. Is there an alternative way do you know?

Don’t think so, at least not from the sequencer. The problem is that’s not possible to edit the material parameter in the sequencer.

You could just increase the cloud wind speed to a value that match the sun rotation, but wouldn’t have much control over the cloud position.

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Hello there, I have a question. How can I make the time to work on widget? I mean how can I display the time on widget?

I plan to add the time widget natively into the blueprint with an update, but it’s not ready yet.

Great, thanks for informing me on that. Also, does the time system works in game or you set the time from the editor and it remains at whatever you set it?

It will work in real time, the hours will be the same of the game time of day.

Great, so is this with the update?