Starry Sky

Yes. It was updated, time widget available now.

Hi, great pack. But I\m getting some green unreadable text over my screen when I apply the blueprint. Any way I can remove that?

Can you post a screen? It would help because i never saw it and neither anyone else reported that.

I actually got the text up now, still dont know how to fix it. Think its got something to do with the smart-material i\m using?!

It’s saying that the sky material doesn’t cover that part of the scene. Usually that message appears when you are outside of the dome or the shaders are still compilating, but looks like this is something else.

Is the sky working at all? (Can you see moon and stars) And this is happening with everything or only with that specific level?

I want to change the sun and height fog parameters from another blueprint. I have created a object reference in the other blueprint for them, but I cannot choose the height fog or direct light from the scene because they are stored withing the starry sky blueprint…how do I solve this?

First make sure you have referenced it right, think this video can help:

UE4 - Blueprint Object Reference Instance Editable - Tutorial - YouTube

To control the Sun’s intensity and fog’s density, for example, from other blueprint, it will be like this:

I just got and I am trying to add the zodiacal lines over the stars - i wanted to do it with another layer of skysphere with an additive material but 1 i cannot find where the 16k map is loaded and not sure how to go about addin the second layer - when i tried to duplicate the skysphere it wouldnt let me scale down - any help would be appreciated