Hey everyone, so me and my team just recently finished our Star Wars fan project. What started out as me just wanting to build a real-time Millennium Falcon, quickly spiraled into something much MUCH bigger once I brought on several friends and co-workers to help out. We ended up having a decently sized chunk of Mos Eisley, along with 3 docking bays, complete with the Falcon, an imperial shuttle and Tie Fighter escort, and a pair of X-Wings. There are a few hidden Easter eggs also. There is no gameplay, it’s just an interactive environment that you can walk around in and visually enjoy everything. We have put it up on the internet for people to download and enjoy for themselves. We are planning on a VR version coming hopefully soon!!!
I just walked all the way around this (from what I could tell at least; I loved the hidden easter eggs, and hope I didn’t miss any) - wonderful job and attention to detail, from art to SFX and music. Thank you for sharing this and all the hard work you and your team have put into it :).
odd, I click play and it just freezes at the title screen, the animaton and sound is gone it’s just highlighted play and that’s it. Can’t do anything else. Am I missing something? And it offically crashed and kicked up a crash report. Says ran out of memory but I have 12 gbs of ram so I find that unlikely unless there is a leak
The exe is above the images in the first link
Crash report:
I even tried after a reboot. In theory it could be because I havent updated my graphics divers in over a year because they once blacked out my screens and wouldnt let me do anything at all. I’ll make a rescue disk just in case and update it
Edit: I updated it to the newest and it still does it. Perhaps I need to put a new 3 monitor supported nivida card on my wish list
If this is a common problem with UE4 then I better solve it since I plan on using it to make my webcomic/scene with