I went to go build a stairs, which my key bind is f, and nothing happened. I checked to see if it was unbound, which it wasn’t. I restarted my pc and game to no success. My f key is working, as I was able to type the letter f, as I am doing right now. This has only happened since I just got on, so this is not a recurring thing - for me at least. This also worked on another creative map, which was the 1v1 piece control by bullseye.
Please select what you are reporting on:
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Steps to Reproduce
I loaded into the map
I went to the freebuild area
I pressed my stair(ramp) bind (f)
Nothing happened
I pressed another build bind
Then pressed f
Which then it worked
Expected Result
I expected my blueprint to be pulled out after I press my stair bind
Observed Result
When I pressed f with anything other then my blueprint out, it would not place, nor open the blue print ready to be used. For some reason, I could only select my stairs to place when the blueprint is already out from another bind.
I have this exact same issue, except F is for my wall which won’t place unless I’m in build mode. If you assign it to any other key than F it works, and if you do a double bind (F and Z) then it works with the other bind (Z). Seeing this in save the world.
I have to problem too but my stair keybind is “o” and none of those key binds have anything programed to them and my stairs still dont work i have had this problem for almost 2 months and it never did this before.