Does anyone know how to fix a problem in the image?
Source texture for that sprite is from PNG file with transparency (gradien fading to transparent). Its Compresion Settings is Default.
Does anyone know how to fix a problem in the image?
Source texture for that sprite is from PNG file with transparency (gradien fading to transparent). Its Compresion Settings is Default.
Hey @Profek2k1!
So I found this other thread that may help you:
It seems like your sprite is still square because the gradient is large enough to reach the edges, as well. I hope that helps…
Hey @Mind-Brain
Thank You for Your time and reply.
I also found this other thread but it didn’t help me. As You can see my sprite material is set to TranslucentUnlitSpriteMaterial but problem still occurs.
Please look at the picture below.
“1” this is from UE with stars as sprites with described problem, something is wrong with sprites transparency.
“2” here You can see how stars should look.
“3” is example star texture in UE which looks fine.
“4” is a sprite created from texture “3”, You can see that something is wrong with its transparency it looks totaly different then in “3”, its more opaque outside then it should be.
Do You know how to fix it so the sprite will look like texture in “3” and sprites from “1” will look like in “2”?
One more thing.
“1” is UMG image from texture “3” and it looks good.
“2” is srpite from that texture and its transparency looks bad.
Hmmm. Okay, can you show me the settings you used to create the sprite? When you right click->Sprite Actions->Create sprite, those settings?
Hey @Mind-Brain.
When I right-click->Sprite Actions->Create sprite it’s created automatically.
When I right-click->Sprite Actions->Extract sprites which creates the same wrong spite I use default settings as in picture below.
@Profek2k1 Ah, yeah you’re going to have to switch it from “Auto” to “Grid”. Use that and set it to the size of the original png in pixels (512x512 or whatever it actually is) because what is happening is you’re getting a lot of zoom. It’s not noticing the full fade, thinking only the brightest parts are actually part of the sprite.
At least, that’s what I think is going on. I’ve probably extracted a few hundred sprites, and it hasn’t changed much over the years… If that’s not it, I’ll be surprised, but I’ll still look for another solution if that isn’t it!
Hey @Mind-Brain
Yea i forgot to mention that i also tried “Grid” option and it didn’t help. If You are willing to investigate further i’m attaching zipped simple project with only that one star texture, one sprite from it and one image widget from it. You can play test map and see how it looks.
If You can make sprite to looks like that star texture that would be awsome.
For now i will use widgets for those stars but that’s not best solution especially vfx/navigation/placment wise.
Again thank You for Your time. There is probably something i’m doing wrong as usuall (113.5 KB)
Below is a screenshot from Test map as a reference.