Sprite from png with transparency

I’m having trouble importing a png sprite using transparency (gradien fading to transparent) into Unreal Engine.
Here is an image with my sprite oppened in photoshop on right and what i get when i import it into Unreal Engine using paper2d (import it as a texture then right click on it and Create Sprite).

As you can see, alpha fading completly disapears.
How can i import my sprite so it keep it’s alpha informations ?

Thank you for your help.

Hey ,

In Sprite Editor, change Default Material to TranslucentUnlitSpriteMaterial. If you don’t see that option in drop-down, be sure to go to View Options and enable Show Plugin Content. By default, this is set to MaskedUnlitSpriteMaterial, which won’t show alpha correctly.

Hope that helps!

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Aw, works perfectly. Thank you !

Exactly what I needed! Only thing is I needed to check in view options “Show Plugin Content” as well as “Show Engine Content”