Spreadsheet of all marketplace assets

I wanted to learn some web scraping, so I thought it would be nice to make a nifty thing for others.

Here is a list of every assets (I think) on marketplace, with price, ratings, sales, supported engine, supported platforms and description.
UE MarketplaceData (Updated: 2019-06-17) - Google Sheets

The tags cells are open for edit, please do me a favor and update tags on a few assets you see is missing or have too few tags.

I’ll try to keep it updated once in a while, I still need to make the webscraper a bit more automatic so spreadsheet can quickly can be updated.

Feedback and adding tags is welcome.

Edit: Document now auto updates 4 times a day, release date and package last updated added.

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Great Products Sale Percentage (Assets that have 4.5 stars over 4 votes)
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Spreadsheet has been updated with holiday sale info.

Nice! Thanks for the effort :slight_smile:

Way easier to track down specific assets now with the tags as well as awesome deals! Nice work!

Thank you! Sure would be nice to be able to favorite a marketplace item in the launcher.

I think people should consider updating their own asset in this list.
This might also help the staff to decide in the tags that they are going to implement in the future.

Is there ones with US dollar prices?

Script has been updated and is now on a US server to scrape US dollar instead of euro.
UE MarketplaceData (Updated: 2019-06-17) - Google Sheets

The USD currency have prettier numbers and don’t fluctuate to follow currency, but I will see if I can get spreadsheet to have a toggle between Euro/USD

If someone knows a POST/GET query I can call to marketplace to get the any currency from any country, I’m all ears.

Spreadsheet has been fixed in preparation for next sale. It now show asset last updated date, and its release date.

Filtered views have been added:
By Sale Percentage
Great Products Sale Percentage (Assets that have 4.5 stars over 4 votes)
Free Assets
Recent Updated/Patched Assets

Dont forget you can make your own filtered views by going to Data -> Filter Views -> Create new temporary filter view

Has anyone got a working version of the very useful tool ?