Spotlights are born sideways and rotating objects makes the editor loco


I am encountering a very strange bug. Unfortunately it seems to effectively kills an entire project.
The symptoms are: Spotlights are created in a rotated state. Rotating them “back” doesnt help.
Also meshes dont take too kindly on rotation either.
It seems that somehow they move in their local axis frame of reference with input from the widget…
Strange to explain, thats why I have made a short video of my expierience:

It seems that this happens to a project as soon as you rotate anything" in the level at any point.
From then on afterwards, pointlights are created wrong, etc…

Im using:

Branch: Binary from launcher

Build version: 4.5.1-2336687+++depot+UE4-Release+4.5

Any idea what is causing this?


Hi Klaus,

I can see you’re having the issue, but I am unable to get the same results in 4.5, 4.6, or our Internal build. I’m using a blank project and just placing the light via the context menu as you did. Can you verify this is happening for you in a blank project rather than your personal project? Maybe we can narrow down a few things and see what’s going on.



Hi Tim,

Thanks for looking into this.
I created a new project, based on my 4.5.1 installation and it behaves fine.
Also the imported meshes that behaved wrong (like the grate in the video) behave normally.
I also tried two installations of 4.6 (one built from source and one downloaded via the launcher).
When I open the “corrupted” project in either installation of 4.6, it seems to “cure” the problem. However Im somewhat hesitant to continue with the project in 4.6 due to ist current preview state…

I then suspected my installation of 4.5.1 might be the issue (as I successfully managed to corrupt another one of my projects).
I redownlaoded 4.5.1 and installed it. Opening the problem-project there shows the same issues.
In all cases, the work with the project is just fine. Just at some point tings behave strange. I add three pointlights. Two come in just fine, the third is screwed up and from then onwards also meshes that behaved correctly all the time show weird rotation effects and if I move them, they “jump” and align to the next higher surface. I move a chair and it snaps to the roof…

I just started a little test project in 4.6 and see what happens.
The difficulty is that I can work for quite a while before things break down,

Would it be of any help if I send you the project in question?

Thanks again for looking into this :slight_smile:


Hi Klaus,

I’ve tried again to replicate this with 4.5, 4.6, and our internal build with no luck. I placed closed to 20 point/spot lights using the place actor method without getting the same result.

This is still be a bug, even though there is no clear repro, at least not yet.

If you dont mind sharing the project I can take a look. I won’t need the entire project though. If you can make a copy and remove all content like meshes, textures, etc that should be good enough for me to test with. Once you’ve removed those asset the file size should be rather low (Make sure not to include the save and intermediate folders as these are not necessary to open the project on my end and will drastically help keep the file size even lower)

Before you post a link or send to me in a private message via the forums open the copy without all the content and make sure that the issue is still occurring.



EDIT: Oh yeah, the chair snapping thing. From your video it looks like you have surface snapping on. Turn this off. It’s useful in some instances but can be cumbersome in others like you’re seeing with the chair snapping to the ceiling. Turning that off should alleviate that issue.


I created a slim version of the project that only takes 21 MByte.
I have unzipped it to a new folder and could successfully reproduce the error with. The engine version used for this project is 4.5.1
I will send you aprivate message in the forum.

Thanks again :slight_smile:


Hi Klause,

I was able to see the issue present in 4.5 - our Latest internal build with your project. I couldn’t replicate the issue, but I was able to get rid of it by deleting the Intermediate and Saved folder. When I restarted the project I’ve not been able to reproduce the issue. Deleting those folders can sometimes clear out any weird kinds of issues that may happen with the config files in the saved > config folder.

Resetting these to their clean state fixed the issue on my end. I’ve not been able to reproduce since clearing out the saved > Config files.

Give that a shot and let me know if that worked. Apologies for the long wait for a response.

Thanks, Klaus!
