Can someone tell me where these splotches in the gold material come from? Using Lumen.
Can someone tell me where these splotches in the gold material come from? Using Lumen.
If you mean that shimmering here
that IS Lumen
Compared to what I’ve seen, not too bad.
For now, the only way to totally get rid of it, is to turn Lumen off.
Yeah Lumen doesn’t play well with single color reflective surfaces(think metals and plastics with no textures) in the 0.15 to 0.85 range, I’d have to dig through the code to find the ranges, but it’s somewhere around that range. Maybe 0.2 to 0.8, can’t remember for sure. I had this issue a while back with making anisotropic materials and remember digging around in the code then.
You can try to see if r.Lumen.Reflections.ScreenSpaceReconstruction.TonemapStrength 1 reduces shimmering, but it does limit how bright reflections can get.
Thanks for the explanations. I will then just switch up gears and use path tracing as it is not for realtime use.
Thanks that helped me a LOT!