Split Screen View Border Change

I created this split screen with
local multiplayer, UGameViewportClient and LayoutPlayers() override;

Also I can switch controlled players with customized SSSwapControllers like this.

But I want to change that black border and I ask how :question: :question:

Btw. I did some expriments about it and I found these.

TSharedRef<SWidget> GameView = GEngine->GameViewport->GetWindow().ToSharedRef().Get().GetContent();

contains actual game view and if use SetContent(UUSerWidget::TakeWidget())
it will replace game view with another widget and also I can move game view to another window which I created with SWindow.

So, I used this steps to achieve my goal but it didn’t work.

  1. I created a custom UMG with C++ and put CanvasPanel and Overlay components.
    Custom UMG · GitHub

  2. I set it as main window content

  3. I tried to assign my custom UMG as parent of game view SWidget with SWidget::AssignParentWidget

Is there any suggestion for that ?