Split Screen Controller ID,controller bug,and rendering Bug

  1. Hi! So I’m a pretty new user to Unreal Engine,trying to make a Car game and wanted to play whit a friend whit my game and started creating a Split Screen mode but it just doesn’t want to work… I have a controller and a keyboard,the controller has the id 0 and same for the keyboard,when I enter my game I can’t set the 2 players to have the same id or it would make only 1 window and I can’t make my controller control the 2nd player,in anyways so is there a way to change it’s id? Like the controller id or at least make it work?

  2. when I enter my game whit a controller my car gets stuck like it has brakes and handbrakes on,help? :sweat_smile:

  3. Not the controller reason but when I enter the game in split screen the 2nd player has some sort of… Rendering Bug,it’s black,shadows render strange,the game settings do not import and such,also static meshes and terrains have some darker spots,like really strong shadows

Following this. Which engine version are you using, 5.X? I read some reports about split screen being broken and I haven’t had the motivation to attempt my split screen code on it.

I’m using 5.3.2 as I want to get the latest features whenever it’s possible,both Engine side and Plugin side like the image generation of Nvidia in 5.4