Splinemesh Overlap Event won't trigger?

Hello, I can’t figure out how to get any overlap events working with my spline mesh. No matter what I do, my character passes through the spline (which is fine), but does not trigger any events.

Construction script (allows multiple meshes to be created for a longer spline)

Blueprint + Event Graph

Character standing in the spline

Anyone know why this could be happening?

Hello Juice-Tin,

Could you try setting the collision for the mesh that you are creating to “Overlap all”? I hope that this helps.

Make it a great day

The spline was set to overlap all, but adding it to the ‘Add mech component’ node made it work. Thankyou. :slight_smile:

I’m having the same problem and the first search engine result is this thread. Can you please attach a screenshot of the changed blueprint or asset to show how you fixed this issue?

For those still looking for this (and for me in a few months when I’ll forget again), you might have to call “Update Mesh” from the static mesh component after changing it’s positions, tangents, scale, etc.

At least, in this instance, that did it for me.

look the same problem in 2024
cant overlap any of splinemeshes. Watched all tutors about this. nothing helped(
Any suggestions

  • ensure the spline mesh has collision:

  • or use complex collision:

  • add spline meshes:

  • ensure the collision channels are set up if you have not done some for the mesh defaults:

  • and on the other end as well: