Spline meshes have jagged/choppy/rough curves

I’m working on a slide system. I created a spline, which spawns spline mesh components between points in the construction script.

My problem is that some of them are not completely smooth when curved, for example this segment with walls has clearly visible edges:

While a segment without walls bends nicely:

I don’t think this is a subdivision issue, as the meshes are already divided densely into “slices”:

Here is my construction script:

Any ideas what might cause those issues?

I think it might be a subdiv issue. You’ve got a lot of slices going one way, but none going the other.

Can you try loop cutting the mesh across the other axis?

It turns out it was just a nanite issue. I disabled it and now it’s fine. Not sure why it “roughened up” those meshes when they were so close to the camera.

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