I created a blueprint with a spline component and set the construction script as shown in your screenshot. I did not see any behavior in the blueprint viewport or editor viewport where the spline was rotated from the default position. If you’re able to reproduce this in a new clean project, please include the steps used to create the spline to help ensure my test matches your setup.
I followed the tutorial in the link and the behavior I got was the same as in the video. Can you provide a sample project with the behavior you’re seeing for me to test directly?
Thank you so much for that it relly is much appreciated.
I’ve tried the first option and you’re right it’s not what I’m after, I’ll try the second option when I get back to my office tomorrow, please bear with me.
Thank you for the project, I was able to determine the cause for the behavior you’re seeing. Since TopScene is a child of DefaultSceneRoot, and the TopScene Rotation has been changed 90° this causes the spline to not match up as in the tutorial video. There are two possible solutions for this. First, you can remove the 90° rotation from the TopScene Transform in the blueprint’s Details panel. The other option is to set TopScene as the blueprint’s root component by dragging it over DefaultSceneRoot. Using your screenshot as reference, the first option will rotate the red spline to overlap the white and the second option will rotate the white spline over top of the red one.
Firstly, I apologise for the delay in getting back to you , I’ve had a few deadlines to meet and despite best efforts dont think I will!
But back to this issue I’ve tried both techniques sand they both dont work, the first as you know simply rotates the red line the same way as the white line so its all pretty much off the map and is not what I need.
The second method wont work as it throws up an error everytime I try to drag “TopScene” over “DefaultSceneRoot” saying that “the selected component is inherited and cannot be reordered here”.
So unfortunately its still a problem, and I’d appreciate your input on how to fix.
I do not see this error in the sample project you sent, however it usually arises when the component being edited is defined in a parent class/blueprint. Is the blueprint you’re using a child of another blueprint with the spline defined?
Let me know if you can click the green “Add Component” button and add a new scene component then parent that as the root component. If this works then try dragging TopScene onto your new scene component and choosing “Make New Root” if the option is available.
Can you provide information from this crash (Callstack and log files)? If possible, can you send a copy of the project that is crashing so I can investigate directly
, it’s the same project and map that I’ve sent you, as for crash info please bear with me until tomorrow when I’m back in my office to get that to you.
I don’t get a crash clicking the Add Component button in either of the projects you sent me. Can you provide your dxdiag as well as the callstack and log files from the crash for additional information.
The graphics card listed in your DXDiag appears to be below the recommended hardware for using the editor. Even if it wasn’t crashing before, as the project gets more complex the chances of an issue occurring increase. That being said, there is another test I’d like you to run. Please download the attached file and remove the .txt extension and then import / replace the Spline asset currently in the project. Let me know if you’re able to do this or if you run into other issues. If this does fail, please try importing the asset into a new project to see if that works or if a new project crashes as well.