Ok, please give me a couple of days to get back to you.
Thanks .
Ok, please give me a couple of days to get back to you.
Thanks .
Hi ,
Earlier than expected:
I cant seem to import the spline you kindly provided in editor, instead I had to navigate to the content folder and replace the spline there by renaming the original version to something else and the version you sent as “spline”.
It imported fine but is in the wrong place on the map.
Additionally, I still don’t think the gfx cards entirely at fault as I’m trying to rebuild a vastly more complex map that I had in ue3 that was way more complex and featured many many more speedtrees, static meshes and triggers.
I’ve also managed to nab a newer machine that has a k4200 quadro gfx card that I can use from friday onwards.
I’d appreciate your help in trying to figure out whats going wrong.
Got hold of the new machine with a k4200 quadro, on this I can press the green add button and add a new scene component as you suggested earlier on.
However I still have inheritance issues with top scene, as the new scene component can only be attached as a child of topScene, no other option exists either.
The addition of another component was just to test the ability to do so. If you’re able to open the project on another machine, let me know if you’re able to move TopScene to DefaultSceneRoot. Doing this should replace DefaultSceneRoot with TopScene.
There just doesn’t seem to be a way to do that, I assume its because its inherited it wont allow it to set as a parent?
What exactly is Top Scene inherited from? In the project you sent me the Spline blueprint is based on the Actor class with two components added (Top Scene and Spline1). Neither show signs of being inherited which implies they were added using the Add Component button. Can you post a screenshot of what your blueprint looks like to help me understand the difference in behavior.
The blueprint hasn’t changed at all its exactly the same as the one at the top of this page and identical to the one in the project I sent you (108621-splineproc.png) if you look at the “Attach to Component” function the “parent” pin is attached to the “TopScene” node, I could be wrong, but I think this is the issue.
Can you please tell me which exact sequence of steps you’ve taken to move topScene to DefaultRoot as everytime I try it just gives me an inheritance error.
[Here][1] is a short gif of what I did. I know it’s a bit blurry but I simply did a drag/drop of Top Scene in the component hierarchy onto DefaultSceneRoot. Here are some screenshots to show the process as well.
I’ve tried doing that from the editor not in the blueprint, I’ll give this a try on Monday and I’ll let you know, as that’s the earliest I can get access to my machine.
Thanks .
Ok Good news, I’ve got that working from the blueprint!
But I’ve still got another issue in that the rendered spline is pinkish rather than the red as shown in the material, how would I rectify this?
The pink that you’re seeing is likely the overlap of the white and red splines.
I don’t think it is as it’s still pinkish when played, any ideas on how to make it red like the material it’s based on?
Do I need to put this issue in as a separate hub question?
It would be best to open a separate question in order to keep information for the other issue from getting lost in this post.
Ah ok, thanks!