Spike Traps and Poison Traps will not place in v33.10


When you place poison traps and Spike traps they show up red in UEFN Editor. They do not register and when launching session they stay red and do not work. I am posting this report again because the issues still persists in v33.10

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What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

Placing a Wall trap in UEFN on a wall that is on grid (which normally works), no longer works.

Expected Result

When placing a spike trap or poison trap is should register. not be red and work when in session.

Observed Result

When placing trap it shows red and does not work



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Im getting the same thing. Anything I do doesn’t seem to fix it

This will be fixed in a future release.

FORT-844171 is ‘Closed’ as ‘Fixed’. The issue will be addressed in 33.30.