Spike Traps and Bouncers broken when placed on obstacle course galleries

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

World Building


I have been trying to make a UEFN deathrun that has the obstacle course stairs and walls, when i place traps/bouncers down on them they are fine but when I push changes the flip 180 degrees

Steps to Reproduce

Place an Obstacle Course Gallery stair and wall down (doesnt matter which color), now place a Bouncer on the stair and spike trap on the wall, now push changes and watch it rotate when changes have been pushed

Expected Result

Bouncers and spike traps go down whichever way you placed it after pushing changes

Observed Result

Bouncers and spike traps do not stay whichever way you placed it after pushing changes



Additional Notes

FORT-840256 has been created and its status is ‘Unconfirmed’. This is now in a queue to be reproduced and confirmed.