Good afternoon! When rendering, it doesn’t matter which version 4 or 5 I tried there and there. When rendering, the gloss and reflections of the spherereflectioncapture are not displayed. In the working window, everything shines beautifully and is displayed, but when rendering, as if they spherereflectioncapture are disabled and drop out of the render. I attach screenshots.
Just to check a few of the basics: are you rendering via MRQ? Are any of the reflection captures marked as editor-only? If you make the billboard for the reflection capture visible in game, does it show during the render?
Rendering is in progress Movie Scenes Capture and Movie Render Queue. Yes, the checkbox is checked, is visible in the scene. But render in the end, no! Why do you need to do dancing with a tambourine and complicate everything so much, a reflection is visible in the working window, which means it should be even better and more beautiful in the render. I thought maybe something has to do with the sky sphere?
Thank you for helping :), I love unreal.
If you press G, then the reflection is visible perfectly.
You gave me an idea, tell me how to turn on the reflection of the SphereReflectionCapture in the game?, if you start the game, the reflection also disappears.
You gave me the idea, since it’s a game engine, and it turned out to be simple) I had to click on Build Reflection, and now all the reflections are also visible in the render, thanks, friend!