Sphere emitter, need help getting location of floor/collision relative to sphere location.[Niagara]

Created Sphere emitter, need help getting location of floor/collision relative to sphere location, and placing additional emitter on floor that will scale to the circumference of the Collison on the sphere.[Niagara]

Hello, will appreciate any help I can get with my problem.
So I have created a particle Sphere mesh through Niagara, with a transparent material that’s already been made.I have it spawn on my player location, so its in the air and some is in the ground, that’s fine. I am trying to add additional particle effects, but I want them to be scaled to the location/circumference of the spheres edges on the ground. is there any way I can do this? Because its a single particle, shouldn’t the “location” be based on the origin? If so, I cannot track collision on the particles edge. My next thought is to track the location of the particle origin when it is placed, simulate/check for collision below the point of origin, and MacGyver a way to scale the floor effect with that. If I cannot figure out how to do that, I just thought of an idea. I will create another particle affect falling from the sphere origin, create a splash effect for when it lands and then just map those splash particles to the static mesh I wanna have on my floor effect.

But still, if anyone can tell if my first idea of getting the location of the sphere, checking for collision below and then setting a particle to spawn on what collision is found, that would be awesome!